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Kindness: The Best Holiday Gift

It feels as if just yesterday was Halloween, and yet, in less than a month,

Christmas will be here and people all around the world will be celebrating. I’m sure the first thing that pops into your head when you hear Christmas is “yay, gifts!” but I’d like to challenge you to change that way of thinking this year and instead engage in random acts of kindness.

The holidays are meant to be a time of receiving, sure, but also of giving. Not everyone has the perfect holiday experience filled with joy and laughter, however, you could be the one to change that by participating in these random acts of kindness. By doing something as simple as making conversation with the person next to you in your class that always sits alone, paying for the food of the person behind you in a drive through line, or simply giving someone a smile when walking past them on your way to class, we can all work together to make sure that this holiday season is filled with happiness.

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